The Other Women's Lib

英文读物 supersonic 2023-08-18 10:26 10402 0


    127 Chapter 5 The Body of the Other Woman "When I first saw you on the street, I had this nostalgic feeling like I'd seen you somewhere before, or rather I had the impression that there was no one in my life more familiar than you. The person I feel closest to, the person I know better than anyone, for some reason that was how I felt about you. Who are you?" —Takahashi Takako, "Majiwari" In previous chapters, we have explored the ways Kōno, Takahashi, and Kurahashi used literature as a means of exposing, critiquing, and then subverting binary models of gender that sought to confine women within restrictive stereotypes of femininity. In chapter 4, we saw that this binary structure is problematic in part because it is predicated on a logic of "sexual indifference." In other words, this model of gender difference is able to conceptualize femininity only as masculinity's logical opposite so that women are assumed to embody only those qualities that men lack (or disavow as "unmasculine"). 

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