For anyone who has ever searched for the right word at a crucial moment, the revised third edition of this bestselling guide offers a smart and succinct way to...
Master the art of communication to improve outcomes in any scenarioSimply Said is the essential handbook for business communication. Do you ever feel as though...
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Business Vocabulary in Use includes 66 easy-to-use units, with vocabulary items presented and explained on the left-hand pages and a range of practice exercises...
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English.Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the world’s best-selling grammar reference an...
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About the author 作者简介 viiPublisher acknowledgements 出版者致谢 viiiPreface to the first edition by Leonard Gartside第一版序言(伦纳德•加特赛德) ixPreface to the seventh edition b...
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