
语言教育 supersonic 2023-07-20 13:50 10192 0


Unit 1 Travel preparations 旅行准备 Lesson 1 Choosing a destination Lesson 2 Making sightseeing inquiries Lesson 3 Currency exchange Lesson 4 Supplies of medicine and sunscreamUnit 2 Travelling by air 飞机旅程 Lesson 1 Booking flight tickets Lesson 2 Check in Lesson 3 On the plane Lesson 4 Claiming luggageUnit 3 Hotel accommodations 宾馆住宿 Lesson 1 Reserving a room Lesson 2 Check in Lesson 3 Room service Lesson 4 Check outUnit 4 Loacl transportation 交通出行 Lesson 1 Travelling by train Lesson 2 Travelling by bus Lesson 3 Travelling by taxi Lesson 4 Travelling by coachUnit 5 Fashion food 食尚文化 Lesson 1 Restaurant reservations Lesson 2 Seating and ordering for a meal Lesson 3 Repast complaints Lesson 4 Paying the billUnit 6 Shopping 购物天地 Lesson 1 Department stores Lesson 2 Electric appuance shops Lesson 3 Supermarkets Lesson 4 BargainingUnit 7 Sightseeing 观光旅游 Lesson 1 Making plans Lesson 2 Asking for traveling information Lesson 3 Tourist attractions Lesson 4 Taking picturesUnit 8 Other issues 其他事宜 Lesson 1 Lost and found Lesson 2 Hotel complaints Lesson 3 Visa applications Lesson 4 Asking the way

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